Analysis of high resolution imaging spectrometer data requires a thoro
ugh compensation for atmospheric absorption and scattering. A method f
or retrieving ''scaled surface reflectances,'' assuming horizontal sur
faces having Lambertian reflectances, from spectral data collected by
the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) (Vane, 198
7) is presented here. In this method, the integrated water vapor amoun
t on a pixel by pixel basis is derived from the 0.94-mum and 1.1 4-mum
water vapor absorption features. The transmission spectrum Of water v
apor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), nitrous oxide (N2O), car
bon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4), and oxygen (O2) in the 0.4-2.5 mum r
egion is simulated based on the derived water vapor value, the solar a
nd the observational geometry, and through use of narrow band spectral
models. The scattering effect due to atmospheric molecules and aeroso
ls is modeled with the 5S computer code (Tanre et al., 1986). The AVIR
IS radiances are divided by solar irradiances above the atmosphere to
obtain the apparent reflectances. The scaled surface reflectances are
derived from the apparent reflectances using the simulated atmospheric
gaseous transmittances and the simulated molecular and aerosol scatte
ring data. The scaled surface reflectances differ from the real surfac
e reflectances by a multiplicative factor. In order to convert the sca
led surface reflectances into real surface reflectances, the slopes an
d aspects of the surfaces must be known. For simplicity, the scaled su
rface reflectance is simply referred to as the ''surface reflectance''
in this article. The method described here is most applicablefor deri
ving surface reflectances from AVIRIS data acquired on clear days with
visibilities 20 km or greater. More rigorous atmospheric radiative tr
anfer modeling is required in order to derive surface reflectances fro
m AVIRIS data measured on hazy days.