The type specimen and 18 paratypes of Apodemus sylvaticus stankovici (
Martino et Martino, 1937) were compared with 204 specimens of A. sylva
ticus and 434 A. flavicollis from Macedonia and western Greece. It is
shown that this long-tailed form, originally described from the border
of Macedonia and Albania, actually belongs to A. flavicollis. Anyhow,
A. flavicollis of the stankovici type series are significantly smalle
r, with a shorter condylobasal length, than their counterparts from Ma
cedonia and most of Greece. In this respect they resemble A. flavicoll
is dietzi from Peloponnisos. It is demonstrated that the type of dietz
i belongs to A. flavicollis, but that the type series also includes A.