The present study investigated whether giving reality information and
the category names of the to-be-learned materials affect incorporating
of the materials into subject's preexisting knowledge. Forty universi
ty students were instructed that they were to learn real facts, while
43 university students were instructed that they were to learn artific
ial facts. Actually, the subjects in both groups learned unfamilliar r
eal facts. Half of the materials consisted of category names with two
attributes, and the remaining half consisted of three attributes. Imme
diately following the learning phase, the subjects received a recall t
est, a recognition test, and a matching test. They were given the test
s again after 1-week interval. The results indicated that giving real
information and/or providing category names facilitated the learning o
f the materials. These results were discussed in terms of incorporatio
n process of new information into preexisting knowledge.