The magnitude and timing of the autumn and spring migrations of 35 spe
cies of medium- and large-sized raptors, White Pelicans Pelicanus onoc
rotalus and White Storks Ciconia ciconia were studied in Israel. Obser
vations were carried out from the ground by a line of observers coveri
ng most of the width of Israel across the line of migration and by rad
ar. There was a high correlation between the counts obtained by ground
observers and by radar, On average, about half a million raptors (mai
nly Lesser Spotted Eagles Aquila pomarina, Honey Buzzards Pernis apivo
rus and Levant Sparrowhawks Accipiter brevipes), 250,000 White Storks
and 70,000 White Pelicans passed during autumn, and about a million ra
ptors (mainly Honey Buzzards, Steppe Buzzards Buteo vulpinus, Steppe E
agles Aquila nipalensis and Black Kites Milvus migrans) and 450,000 Wh
ite Storks passed during spring. Peak numbers were higher-over a milli
on raptors and half a million White Storks. There was high interyear v
ariation in the number of migrants recorded during the study, probably
caused by weather and counting efforts. For some species, the whole w
orld (Lesser Spotted Eagle and Levant Sparrowhawk) or Palaearctic (Whi
te Pelican) population passes over Israel during migration, allowing a
n estimate of the world populations of these species. Mean dates of ar
rival of most raptors are highly predictable, with confidence limits r
anging between 1.5 and 5.5 days. The migration periods of White Storks
and White Pelicans are longer and their mean day of appearance is les
s predictable (confidence limits range from 4.2 to 13.8 days), During
autumn, 90% of the migrating populations of flocking species, such as
Levant Sparrowhawk, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Honey Buzzard and Red-footed
Falcon Falco vespertinus, pass within 13, 15, 16 and 18 days, respect
ively, while nonflocking species, such as Egyptian Vulture Neophron pe
rcnopterus, Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus and Short-toed Eagle Circ
aetus gallicus, generally take twice as long to pass. Similar passage
periods were recorded in spring. For most species, the autumn migratio
n period was longer than the spring migration period, probably because
in autumn adults move before the young birds. Three factors affected
the timing and spread of the migration wave: age at first breeding, di
et and size of the breeding area.