Two groups of patients with stable effort angina (functional class II
- III) were treated by metoprolol. In group 1 principle of chronothera
py was employed which meant consideration of chronosensitivity to a dr
ug. Chronosensitivity to metoprolol was determined on the basis of cli
nico-pharmacological studies conducted during 4 days. Main hemodynamic
parameters were obtained before and in 30 and 60 minutes and 3 hours
after a single dose of 100 mg of metoprolol taken at different times o
f the 24 hour period. Then metoprolol (100 mg orally) was given once a
day at the time of maximal sensitivity to the drug. Patients of the g
roup II received metoprolol twice a day with equal fixed intervals bet
ween takings. Analysis of results demonstrated advantages of schedulin
g metoprolol dosages according to chronosensitivity to the drug.