The major organic constituents of New Zealand sourced propolis have be
en identified and quantified in tincture solutions by a combination of
HPLC and GC-mass spectrometry (MS). HPLC was the preferred method for
the analysis of flavonoids because of their very low response factors
in CC-MS. Flavonoid levels ranged from 30-40 mg ml(-1). A distinctive
characteristic of the flavonoids in New Zealand propolis is the unusu
ally high proportion (ca 70%) of dihydroflavonoids, e.g. pinocembrin,
pinobanksin and pinobanksin 3-acetate. Nonflavonoid components analyse
d by CC-MS comprised a range of aromatic compounds (3-7.5 mg ml(-1)),
together with low levels (0.25-0.78 mg ml(-1)) of fatty acids. The for
mer comprised mainly cinnamic acids and their esters, but also include
d the rare 5-phenyl-trans-trans-2,4-pentadienoic acid and the new natu
ral product, 5-phenyl-trans-3-pentenoic acid. Both were synthesized to
confirm their identity.