Avalanche photodiodes, which operate above the breakdown voltage in Ge
iger mode connected with avalanche-quenching circuits, can be used to
detect single photons and are therefore called single photon avalanche
diodes SPAD's. Circuit configurations suitable for this operation mod
e are critically analyzed and their relative merits in photon counting
and timing applications are assessed. Simple passive-quenching circui
ts (PQC's), which are useful for SPAD device testing and selection, ha
ve fairly limited application. Suitably designed active-quenching circ
uits (AQC's) make it possible to exploit the best performance of SPAD'
s. Thick silicon SPAD's that operate at high voltages (250-450 V) have
photon detection efficiency higher than 50% from 540- to 850-nm wavel
ength and still similar to 3% at 1064 nm. Thin silicon SPAD's that ope
rate at low voltages (10-50 V) have 45% efficiency at 500 nm, declinin
g to 10% at 830 nm and to as little as 0.1% at 1064 nm. The time resol
ution achieved in photon timing is 20 ps FWHM with thin SPAD's; it ran
ges from 350 to 150 ps FWHM with thick SPAD's. The achieved minimum co
unting dead time and maximum counting rate are 40 ns and 10 Mcps with
thick silicon SPAD's, 10 ns and 40 Mcps with thin SPAD's. Germanium an
d III-V compound semiconductor SPAD's extend the range of photon-count
ing techniques in the near-infrared region to at least 1600-nm wavelen