Thermal decomposition of ethane and propane with kerosene addition (10
% mol) was studied in the range 800-840 degrees C and reaction time 0.
2-1.3 sec. Addition of kerosene in large amounts has a strong inhibiti
ng effect on the pyrolysis of ethane, while the pyrolysis of propane i
s only weakly inhibited for moderate temperature. The decrease of yiel
d in ethylene and the increase of yields in propylene, butenes and but
adiene are due to the higher potential in C-3-C-4 hydrocarbons of kero
sene. The large deviation of the yields from additivity in the pyrolys
is of ethane with kerosene is explained by the interaction of hydrogen
atoms from ethane decomposition with hydrocarbons from kerosene. the
type and the concentration of chaincarrying radicals are less affected
by kerosene addition in the pyrolysis of propane and the calculated y
ields do noy differ significantly from the experimental values.