Rt. Bachman et al., GEOACOUSTIC DATABASES FOR MATCHED-FIELD PROCESSING - PRELIMINARY-RESULTS IN SHALLOW-WATER OFF SAN-DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99(4), 1996, pp. 2077-2085
Detailed seafloor environmental modeling of a moderately complex shall
ow water area, coupled with multitone matched-held processing, produce
d reliable and unambiguous source detection and tracking. Frequency av
eraging of the matched-field output sufficiently reduced sidelobe ambi
guities. The seabed geologic model is a gridded database containing wa
ter depth, sediment grain size, sediment thickness, and acoustic basem
ent type. Grid cells are squares of side length equal to 2 are s. Soft
ware, separate from the geologic model, computes a geoacoustic model f
or any desired grid square.