In 1973, Myron Scholes and the late Fischer Black published their semi
nal paper on option pricing. The Black-Scholes model revolutionized fi
nancial economics in several ways: It contributed to our understanding
of a wide range of contracts with option-like features, and it allowe
d us to revise our understanding of traditional financial instruments.
This article addresses the question of how well the Black-Scholes mod
el of option pricing works. The goal is to acquaint a general audience
with the key characteristics of a model that is still widely used, an
d to indicate the opportunities for improvement that might emerge from
current research. The article reviews the key features of the Black-S
choles model, identifying some of its most prominent assumptions. The
author then employs recent data on almost one-half million options tra
nsactions to evaluate the Black-Scholes model. He discusses some of th
e reasons why the Black-Scholes model falls short, and goes on to asse
ss recent research designed to improve our ability to explain option p