A comparison of conventional cytology and clot histology was made on 1
74 serous fluids, fine needle aspirates (FNA) and other non-gynaecolog
ical specimens. In eight cases (4.5%) this clot material contained mal
ignant cells or cells suspicious of malignancy despite the absence of
suspicious or malignant cells in conventionally prepared smears from t
he same specimen. In 11 cases (6.3%) the clot was negative, although c
onventional smears contained malignant or suspicious cells. A chi(2) t
est showed that there was no statistically significant difference betw
een the number of positive diagnostic scores in each group with chi(2)
Of 0.223 (degrees of freedom-1), P=0.637. Examination of clot materia
l from serous fluids and FNA aspirates is as effective as examination
of conventional cytological preparations. Processing df clots from cyt
ological aspirates for histological examination should be more widely
adopted, and is applicable in all cytopathology laboratories.