Diagnosis of the chronic fatigue syndrome depends on various somatic a
nd psychopathological symptoms. Somatic symptoms of the syndrome have
been subject of an extensive body of literature. In comparison, psychi
atric aspects have caught relatively less attention. Psychiatric aspec
ts of etiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic concepts are essential
for evaluation of the syndrome. Application of CDC-criteria to a well
known disease does not solve the nosological problem, but may define t
he syndrome more accurately. In this respect, issues including psychia
tric comorbidity and specificity of neuropathological symptoms are dis
cussed. Psychological variables seem to have a high predictor value fo
r time course and outcome of the symptoms. Etiological concepts emphas
ize on biological or psychosocial factors. Alterations of biological p
arameters including immune functions, sleep regulation, and hypothalam
ic-pituary-adrenocortical function have been reported. The role of cul
tural factors has been discussed extensively. Somatic and psychologica
l stress may result in the same clinical syndrome via psychoimmunologi
cal mechanisms. An integrated, interdisciplinary approach to further r
efine diagnostic criteria, understanding of etiology and development o
f adequate therapeutic measures seems necessary.