Objectives The primary objectives of this study were to assess the fea
sibility of temperature-controlled radiofrequency catheter ablation of
left and right sided manifest accessory pathways in patients with Wol
ff-Parkinson-White syndrome and to gain more insights into biophysical
aspects of temperature-controlled catheter ablation in humans. Backgr
ound The electrode-tissue interface temperature and other biophysical
parameters are among important variables determining the efficacy and
safety of radiofrequency ablation of accessory pathways. Experimental
studies have shown that radiofrequency-induced tissue necrosis can be
accurately predicted by monitoring of catheter tip temperature. Method
s 38 consecutive patients (14 f, 24 m; aged 42 +/- 12 years) with ante
rograde conducting accessory pathways (left sided: n = 22; right sided
: n = 16) underwent temperature-controlled radiofrequency ablation (HA
T 200S, Dr Osypka, Germany). The electrode temperature was monitored v
ia a thermistor embedded into a 4 mm catheter tip. Power output was ad
justed automatically during energy delivery in a closed loop system (p
reselected temp.: 70.1 +/- 5.8 degrees C).Results Accessory pathway co
nduction was successfully abolished in all patients after the delivery
of 2.3 +/- 2.1 radiofrequency pulses (range: 1-9, median: 2). Interru
ption of the accessory pathway as evidenced by loss of preexcitation o
ccurred after 5.9 +/- 5.4 s. At the time of the interruption of the ac
cessory pathway the catheter tip temperature measured 54.2 +/- 11.2 de
grees C in patients with left and 449 +/- 5.0 degrees C in patients wi
th right sided accessory pathways, respectively (P<0.008). Higher temp
erature levels during left sided applications did not shorten the time
it took for the effect to appear (left sided accessory pathway: 7.5 /- 6.3 s, right sided accessory pathway: 3.7 +/- 2.9 s; ns). The cathe
ter tip temperature was significantly higher during left compared to r
ight sided applications after 5 (52.1 +/- 3.1 degrees C vs 47.2 +/- 4.
3 degrees C) and 10 s (61.5 +/- 6.2 degrees C vs 52.7 +/- 4.2 degrees
C) following initiation of the impulse (P<0.005). Power output and del
ivered energy did not differ significantly at the time of accessory pa
thway abolition. Peak values of delivered power (45.1 +/- 10.9 W vs 41
.3 +/- 10.6 W; P < 0.05) and total delivered energy (2452 +/- 1335J vs
1392 +/- 762 J; P < 0.02) were significantly higher in the group of r
ight sided pathways compared to left sided applications. The peak temp
erature measured 77.1 +/- 13 degrees C during effective and 69.9 +/- 1
4 degrees C during ineffective energy applications (P < 0.05). The tim
e it took for the effect to appear was significantly longer in transie
ntly effective pulses (10.4 +/- 7.2s) compared to permanently effectiv
e applications (5.9 +/- 5.4 s; P < 0.02). Despite temperature control,
an abrupt rise in impedance was observed in 10 of 89 (11%) energy app
lications. No procedure-related complications occurred. Conclusions Te
mperature-controlled radiofrequency ablation of manifest accessory pat
hways is highly effective and safe. The temperature response is faster
and significantly higher in left-sided energy applications compared t
o right-sided pulses. Peak temperature levels measured at the electrod
e tip are significantly higher during effective than ineffective pulse
s. Sudden rises in impedance are not completely prevented during tempe
rature-controlled radiofrequency ablation of accessory pathway, althou
gh no procedure-related complications were noted in this patient cohor