There has been an explosive growth of interest in the multiple interac
ting paracrine systems that influence renal microvascular function. Th
is review first discusses the membrane activation mechanisms for renal
vascular control. Evidence is provided that there are differential ac
tivating mechanisms regulating pre- and postglomerular arteriolar vasc
ular smooth muscle cells. The next section deals with the critical rol
e of the endothelium in the control of renal vascular function and cov
ers the recent findings related to the role of nitric oxide and other
endothelial-derived factors. This section is followed by an analysis o
f the roles of vasoactive paracrine systems that have their origin fro
m adjoining tubular structures. The interplay of signals between the e
pithelial cells and the vascular network to provide feedback regulatio
n of renal hemodynamics is developed. Because of their well-recognized
contributions to the regulation of renal microvascular function, thre
e major paracrine systems are discussed in separate sections. Recent f
indings related to the role of intrarenally formed angiotensin II and
the prominence of the AT(1) receptors are described. The possible cont
ribution of purinergic compounds is then discussed. Recognition of the
emerging role of extracellular ATP operating via P-2 receptors as wel
l as the more recognized functions of the P-1 receptors provides ferti
le ground for further studies. In the next section, the family of vaso
active arachidonic acid metabolites is described. Possibilities for a
myriad of interacting functions operating both directly on vascular sm
ooth muscle cells and indirectly via influences on endothelial and epi
thelial cells are discussed. Particular attention is given to the more
recent developments related to hemodynamic actions of the cytochrome
P-450 metabolites. The final section discusses unique mechanisms that
may be responsible for differential regulation of medullary blood flow
by locally formed paracrine agents. Several sections provide perspect
ives on the complex interactions among the multiple mechanisms respons
ible for paracrine regulation of the renal microcirculation. This plur
ality of regulae tory interactions highlights the need for experimenta
l strategies that include integrative approaches that allow manifestat
ion of indirect as well as direct influences of these paracrine system
s on renal microvascular function.