High titers of anti-GD(1a) antibodies have been found in patients with
Guillain-Barre syndrome or motor neuropathy. To determine the possibl
e diagnostic relevance of these antibodies, we measured serum anti-GD(
1a) IgG and IgM antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 195
patients with different motor syndromes and in 335 control subjects.
Moderately high antibody titers (1/ 1,280-1/5,120) were occasionally f
ound in patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropath
y (5%), multifocal motor neuropathy (18%), lower motor neuron disease
(3.8%), or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (1.8%) and in immunological c
ontrol subjects (1.2%), while titers of 1/20,480 or higher were only f
ound in 2 patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome (IgG in both) and 2 wi
th motor neuropathy and IgM lambda monoclonal gammopathy improving wit
h immunotherapy. In both motor neuropathy patients and the Guillain-Ba
rre syndrome patient who were retested during recovery, anti-GD(1a) ti
ters decreased concomitantly with clinical improvement. High anti-GD(1
a) antibody titers may be found in several motor syndromes but only ma
rkedly increased anti-GD(1a) titers are strictly associated with poten
tially treatable dysimmune neuropathies.