PURPOSE: To assess the benefit of active physician involvement in ultr
asound (US) examinations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Concordance of findin
gs by technologists and physicians was assessed prospectively for exam
inations of 1,510 consecutive patients who underwent US during regular
working hours. RESULTS: Overall concordance was generally good (74%).
However, in cases in which a major or minor new diagnosis was made fr
om the US scan, concordance rates were substantially lower (36% and 32
%, respectively). Agreement varied with the type of examination. The d
iscordance rate for obstetric examinations (17%) was only half that fo
r abdominal and pelvic examinations (31%). Concordance improved with i
ncreasing years of experience of the technologist. CONCLUSION: An acti
ve role of physicians in the overall conduct of US examinations is ess
ential to optimize provision of a complete, accurate report.