The observation that absolute brain size increased over the past 2 mil
lion years is one of the few uncontested facts of hominid evolution. T
here is, however, less agreement about how the size of the brain evolv
ed relative to that of the body. Relative brain size has proven to be
difficult to quantify because fossil hominid crania that offer the end
ocranial measurements: and postcrania that generally provide the body-
mass estimates, can only rarely be attributed to the same individual.
If it could be established that some aspect of the cranium is strongly
correlated with body mass, then relative brain size could be calculat
ed for each fossil hominid cranium that has a measured endocranial vol
ume. This paper investigates one such cranial feature, the area of the
orbital aperture, and its correlation with body mass in a large sampl
e of extant primates. The results demonstrate that orbital area is cor
related with body mass at r=0.987. Predictions of body mass on the bas
is of orbital area measured for fossil hominids suggest that body mass
in Homo increased through time, and that body mass sexual dimorphism
was possibly somewhat greater for some fossil hominid species than it
is in living humans. Combining these body mass estimates with measures
of endocranial volume demonstrates increased relative brain size for
both Australopithecus and archaic Homo, with the values for Australopi
thecus exceeding those of the living hominoids, and archaic Homo excee
ding those of Australopithecus. The step-like differences among these
taxa stand in contrast to the observation that there appears to have b
een no or only a negligible increase in relative brain size through th
e subsequent nearly 2 million years of evolution in the genus Home. Th
e most dramatic changes occur with the appearance of modern Homo sapie
ns at about 100,000 years ago and include a decrease in body mass and
an increase in relative brain size that appears to have been driven by
selection for smaller body mass. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited