In order to search for empirical evidences in the transition region an
d corona explaining the observed variability of the chemical compositi
on in the solar wind, we have used a set of EUV average spectra in the
296 - 1350 Angstrom wavelength range (Vernazza & Reeves 1978), to det
ermine the relative abundances of C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S in the cell c
enters and the network within a coronal hole and a quiet region, respe
ctively. Moreover, we have determined the relative abundances in an ac
tive region during two periods characterized by different activity lev
els. The analysis has shown that the elemental abundances appear in br
oad agreement with the photospheric ones for all the different regions
examined. Moreover, within the coronal hole and the quiet region, the
chemical composition in the cell centers does not differ appreciably
from that in the network. Further, no differences in the elemental abu
ndances have been found in the active region during the two considered
phases. Nevetherless, we point out that the data used in this analysi
s for a given kind of structures, are composed by spectra taken at var
ious times and positions within the same region, so that eventual diff
erences may be smoothed out by temporal and spatial averages. We discu
ss the implications of the results concerning the cell centers and the
network for the ion-neutral separation model suggested by Meyer (1991