Objective: To analyze the status of the teaching of critical care at t
he postgraduate and undergraduate levels in Europe. Data Sources: Two
types of questionnaires were sent in order to collect data. The first
questionnaire was sent to the heads of the intensive care units (ICUs)
of at least five of the major hospitals In each western country of th
e European Region of the World Health Organization and to the people r
esponsible for specialist training in the Eastern countries. Countries
in the former USSR and former Yugoslavia were excluded; 50 questionna
ires (of 105) were returned. The second questionnaire was sent to the
374 medical schools in the European Region; 253 were returned although
only 185 were selected for this article. Results: Postgraduate and un
dergraduate training differ widely in terms of the content of, and dis
ciplines in charge of, the teaching of critical care. Even countries o
f the World Health Organization's European Region, where critical care
is a recognized clinical specialty, do not have an academic disciplin
e of critical care. This lack of an established academic discipline of
critical care contributes to the diversity in teaching critical care
in medical schools in the countries we studied. Postgraduate training
is more formally regulated, and objectives and guidelines have been es
tablished in many countries. The topics in medical schools that corres
pond to critical care medicine do not encompass a distinct body of kno
wledge and are distributed among more traditional disciplines, most fr
equently internal medicine, anesthesiology, and surgery. The critical
care medicine experience afforded to undergraduates varies widely betw
een and within countries. The repetition of critical care conditions f
or which patients receive critical care in several disciplines, as des
cribed by the responses, leads us to wonder whether these conditions a
re really included in the curriculum. Conclusions: The standardization
of curriculum content on critical care medicine, the clear definition
of competence (the combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and j
udgment necessary to practice) in medical schools, and better coordina
ted postgraduate training are needed to clarify an educational approac
h in the field. Practitioners of critical care medicine will have to p
articipate actively on curriculum committees, The recognition of criti
cal care medicine as a specialty or subspecialty and as an academic di
scipline will facilitate the achievement of a comprehensive critical c
are education program.