To define the amount of epithelial lining fluid (ELF) that is recovere
d during bronchoalveolar ravage (BAL) in the pediatric age group, we m
easured albumin and urea concentrations in serum and BAL fluid (BALF)
of 37 children aged 3-15 years without bronchopulmonary disease. The c
hildren were studied while undergoing elective surgery for non-pulmona
ry illnesses using a BAL protocol adjusted to body weight. ELF increas
ed with age in proportion to increases in lavage volume. When correcte
d for the child's weight, approximately 20 mu l ELF/kg body weight wer
e recovered throughout the age range. ELF derived by determining album
in or urea concentrations in BALF were significantly correlated; howev
er, considerable variability was observed in older children when the u
rea method was used. This was likely due to the increase in dwell time
that is known to affect urea concentrations in BALF. In children ELF/
100 ml BALF was higher than in adults, suggesting a greater permeabili
ty of the alveolar membrane in children. These data show that a BAL pr
otocol adjusted to body weight will yield constant fractions of ELF in
children aged 3-15 years. These results should facilitate the compari
son of BALF constituents in children of different age groups. Pediatr
Pulmonol. 1996; 21:184-188. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.