This paper evaluates the performance of various supercomputer systems.
The evaluation has been done by an extensive benchmark set used in a
1994 procurement project for supercomputing at the Center for Scientif
ic Computing (CSC) in Finland. This report includes a description of t
he benchmark set and its results. The benchmark set can be divided in
four parts: CSCSUITE2 single processor benchmarks, HIRLAM weather fore
cast application. Genesis distributed memory tests and other applicati
on tests. CSCSUITE has been developed at CSC during the last five year
s. HIRLAM is a weather forecast model currently in production used in
several countries, including Finland. Genesis is an internationally kn
own distributed memory benchmark package developed mainly at Universit
y of Southampton (UK). Other tests include some of the most popular pa
ckages used in CSC's computing environment, such as Gaussian, FINFLO a