We discuss two problems related to the utilization of weather radar: t
he automated identification of rain cells and the extension of cluster
models to include the random variability of space-time rainfall withi
n and between cells. The need for such extension emerges from visual i
nspection and formal analysis of radar reflectivity images. The algori
thm proposed for the identification of cells is based on statistical t
echniques for the estimation of probability density mixtures. The algo
rithm does not assign pixels to cells deterministically; rather, it ca
lculates the probability with which each pixel belongs to the differen
t cells. Through an iterative procedure, the cell parameters and pixel
probabilities are updated until the final identification of cells is
reached. The second part of the paper deals with a generalization of c
luster rainfall models in space and time. The models studied here comb
ine an arbitrary birth point process with arbitrary random fields gene
rated by the cells. Second-moment properties of these processes are de