A responsibility of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is to
develop the necessary understanding, using basic and applied research
and literature syntheses, to help conserve, protect, and restore habi
tats of living marine resources. The NMFS National Habitat Program has
developed a Habitat Research Plan to direct and conduct research and
transfer results to management components within the NMFS that are inv
olved in permit reviews, development of habitat sections of Fishery Ma
nagement Plans and protected species Recovery Plans, and development o
f restoration options and plans as part of the Natural Resources Damag
e Assessment claims. The plan aims to develop the necessary expertise
to oversee restoration, creation, or acquisition of habitat to benefit
living marine resources. This plan gives guidance in four areas: ecos
ystem structure and function, effects of alterations, development of r
estoration methods, and development of indicators of impact and recove
ry. The plan also emphasizes a fifth area-the need for syntheses and t
imely distribution of scientific information to managers. The plan is
designed not only as an umbrella document under which to organize habi
tat research within the NMFS but also as a guide that can and will be
modified as habitat issues and responsibilities change.