This report adds to existing evidence that a monocular, feature-sensit
ive motion mechanism is involved in two-dimensional (2-D) motion proce
ssing, and also accounts for an earlier, unexplained result [Alais et
al.(1994) Vision Research, 34, 1823-1834], The central finding is that
the perceived direction of a monocularly viewed type II plaid changes
over a period of continuous exposure such that post-adaptation direct
ion judgements exhibit more of the component-direction bias known to o
ccur with these stimuli than pre-adaptation judgements, These adaptati
on effects are confined to the adapted eye: when the adapting stimulus
is presented to one eye, pre- and post-adaptation direction judgement
s made with the other, non-adapted eye are identical, These results st
rongly suggest the involvement of a monocular motion mechanism in two-
dimensional motion processing, in addition to the more commonly presum
ed binocular mechanisms.