CD47 is a leucocyte antigen of wide tissue distribution including plat
elets and erythrocytes. It has been found that anti-CD47 antibodies ma
y cause platelet tion of platelet glycoproteins including CD47. Conven
tional Western blotting techniques using horseradish peroxidase-conjug
ated antibody and 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) substrate resulted in un
satisfactory results with CD47 due to low sensitivity. When chemilumin
escent detection with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated antibody was u
sed in conjunction with Western blotting, detection of the CD47 molecu
le was greatly enhanced. A protein of 47-55 kDa immunoblotted from pla
telets by anti-CD47 while the mAb immunoblotted a broader band (45-60
kDa) from erythrocyte membranes. Thus, there may be different forms of
CD47 present on platelets and erythrocytes. The results indicate that
Western blotting with the chemiluminescent detection technique is a u
seful and sensitive alternative for the study of human platelet antige