Let D be a compact, convex domain in d-dimensional Euclidean space and
let f be a nonnegative real-valued function defined on D. The classic
al optimal stopping problem is to find a stopping time tau that attai
ns the supremum v(x) = sup(tau) E(x)f(B(tau)). Here, B is a d-dimensio
nal Brownian motion with absorption on the boundary of D and the supre
mum is over all stopping times. It is well known that v is characteriz
ed as the smallest superharmonic majorant of f. In this paper, we modi
fy this problem by allowing B to be essentially any drift-free diffusi
on (with absorption, as before, on the boundary of D). For example, it
could be a Brownian motion diffusing on some lower dimensional affine
set. In addition, one is allowed to switch among these diffusions at
any time. The problem is to find a stopping time and a switching strat
egy that together attain the supremum over all stopping times and all
switching strategies. For this problem, we show that v is characterize
d as the smallest concave majorant of f. The domain D can be decompose
d into a disjoint union of relatively open convex sets on each of whic
h the function v is affine. Furthermore, the union of the zero-dimensi
onal convex sets is contained in the set on which v = f. An optimal sw
itching strategy is any strategy that at all times diffuses in the aff
ine hull of the current convex set. When the diffusion reaches the bou
ndary of the current convex set, it will lie on a lower dimensional co
nvex set and must then diffuse on the affine hull of this new set. Thi
s process continues until the set on which v = f is reached, which is
the optimal stopping time.