Werner's syndrome is a rare clinical entity and approximately 150 case
s have been reported in the medical literature. Werner's syndrome, inh
erited by autosomal recessive transmission, is characterized primarily
by a short stature, premature greying and balding, trophic ulceration
of the legs, diabetes mellitus and hypogonadism. These features combi
ne to present a picture of adult progeria. In this brief report we des
cribe a 51-year-old Bedouin male with Werner's syndrome, diagnosed as
erythroleukemia (AML-6), and presenting as acute pancytopenia. The pat
ient died two months after diagnosis. This is a rare case of erythrole
ukemia in a patient with Werner's syndrome. We survey current knowledg
e of the cytogenetic pathogenesis of Werner's syndrome and erythroleuk
emia, and attempt to explain the possible link between these two rare