The unc-73 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans is necessary for proper axon
guidance. Animals mutant in this gene are severely uncoordinated and
also exhibit defects in cell migration and cell lineages. We have isol
ated coordinated revertants of unc-73(e936). These fall into three cla
sses: intragenic revertants, extragenic dominant suppressors (sup-39),
and a single apparently intragenic mutation that is a dominant suppre
ssor with a linked recessive lethal phenotype. sup-39 mutations cause
early embryonic lethality, but escapers have a wild-type movement phen
otype as larvae and adults. Gonads of sub-39 mutant animals show a nov
el defect: normal gonads have a single row of oocytes, but sup-39 gona
ds often have true rows of oocytes. This result suggests that the muta
nt gonad is defective in choosing on its surface only a single site fr
om which nuclei will emerge to form oocytes. These results are interpr
eted in terms of an effect of unc-73 on determination of cell polarity