Our pulsed fast oxygen atom source has been used extensively over the
last 9 yr to investigate the effects of ambient oxygen atoms that impa
ct materials placed in LEG. During this period, we have irradiated ove
r 2000 material samples with 8 km/s oxygen atoms generated in our sour
ce. Typical irradiance level is 3 x 10(20) O atoms/cm(2) although some
materials have been irradiated to fluence levels as high as 6 x 10(21
) O atoms/cm(2). In this paper, we review the operating principles and
characteristics of our source along with the diagnostic and handling
procedures appropriate to material testing. We then present representa
tive data on the velocity dependence of oxygen atom erosion rates (the
PSI source provides oxygen atoms tunable over the velocity range of 5
to 12 km/s) as well as the dependence on material temperature. Specif
ic examples of nonlinear oxidative effects related to surface contamin
ation and test duration will also be provided.