This study focuses on the diagnostic and therapeutic challenge posed b
y spontaneous perirenal haematomas (SPHs). The medical records of 18 p
atients with SPHs seen in the past 8 years were reviewed with respect
to aetiology, diagnosis and therapeutic management. SPH was secondary
to angiomyolipoma (n = 4), polycystic kidneys (n = 4), panarteritis no
dosa (n = 3), renal cell carcinomas (RCCs, n = 2), glomerulonephritis,
pyelonephritis, Morbus Wegener and cortical adenoma (one each). One c
ase remained unclear. With appropriate imaging techniques (computed to
mography and angiography) the underlying disorder was detected in 72%;
in 4 cases the diagnosis was revealed by exploration and biopsy. Surg
ery was necessary in 16 patients. The cause of bleeding can be reveale
d by appropriate imaging in most cases. When imaging procedures fail t
o reveal the cause of SPH, exploration and biopsy are mandatory to exc
lude RCC. If the cause of SPH remains unclear even after exploration,
patient monitoring by CT is justified.