Ammonia plasmas produced in a helical resonator have been investigated
using an energy-selective mass spectrometer and an r.f-compensated La
ngmuir probe. The effect of processing parameters on the plasma compos
ition and ion energy distributions have been examined. The dominant io
n present in the plasma was found to be NH4+, which varied in concentr
ation between 95% and 65%, dependent upon operating conditions. Simila
rly, by relatively small variations in processing parameters it was po
ssible to vary the NH3+ ion concentration between 1.7 and 31%. In addi
tion, no radicals (NH2., NH. or N-.) were detected using threshold ion
ization mass spectroscopy. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) samples were
treated under a variety of different plasma conditions, and the chemi
cal changes induced were studied by in situ XPS. Defluorination was ob
served to be greater under conditions that yield low ion energies or h
igh concentrations of NH3+ ions. Conditions giving rise to significant
concentrations of MH(3)(+) ions result in the production of NH3+F- gr
oups. Evidence is provided suggesting that NH3+ ions are much more rea
ctive with PTFE surfaces than NH4(+) ions.