In this paper, we have investigated experimentally the approach to the
anhysteretic surface in M-H-sigma space. in particular, for a 0.5 wt%
carbon steel specimen, we have applied 73 MPa tension and a bias fiel
d H and determined the end flux density after superimposing an ac fiel
d of amplitude gradually decreasing to zero. We find that the point on
the anhysteretic curve for 73 MPa tension and field H is not approach
ed unless the initial amplitude of ac field is sufficiently large to o
vercome domain wall pinning, which restrains redistribution of the dom
ains. A similar experiment in which stress is cycled was also done. St
ress was cycled discretely between 0 and 140 MPa, with the discrete ch
anges about 73 MPa eventually decreasing to zero in bias field H, It w
as found that the loci of(B,H) end points did not approach the anhyste
retic, suggesting that larger amplitude changes in stress and perhaps
more continuous changes are needed to overcome domain wall pinning. (C
) 1996 American Institute of Physics.