During the study on the ignition process of large carbon/char particle
s, we have made the discovery throught experiments and numerical simul
ation, that the ignition of a large carbon/char particle, different fr
om that of fine particle, has no sudden rising in temperature, thus th
ere has no existence of the d(2)T/dt(2) = 0. Based on the characterist
ics of the large carbon/char particle ignition process, this paper put
s forward a new ignition criterion, according to which we set up ignit
ion model of a large carbon/char particle and deduce its ignition expr
ession identical with that of a fine carbon/char particle. It is prove
d throught experiments that the generalized relationship between the i
gnition temperature and coal properties deduced in the fine particle c
arbon/char model is still suitable to use in the ignition of large car
bon/char particles.