The classic hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease are the deposition of amy
loid in plaques and in the cerebrovasculature, and the emergence of ne
urofibrillary tangles in neurons. The interplay between these two path
ologic processes, on the one hand, and the degeneration of neurons and
loss of cognitive functions on the other, remains incompletely unders
tood. We have proposed that one crucial component of this interplay is
a fragment of the Alzheimer amyloid protein precursor (APP) comprisin
g the carboxyterminal 100 amino acids of this molecule, which we term
APP-C100 (or, more simply, C100). This fragment, which comprises the 4
2-amino acid amyloid protein (AP) and an additional 58 amino acids car
boxyterminal to it, was found to be toxic specifically to nerve cells
in vitro. We developed transgenic mouse models to test the hypothesis
that APP-C100 causes Alzheimer's disease neuropathology. APP-C100 was
delivered to the mouse brain via a transgene expressing C100 under the
control of the dystrophin brain promoter. These transgenic animal mod
els for the action of APP-C100 in the brain exhibited some of the neur
opathological features characteristic of Alzheimer disease brain. The
animal models that we have created can be used to test hypotheses conc
erning the mechanism by which C100 interacts with a neuronal receptor
to kill neurons.