Worldwide several systems for Digital Subtraction Angiography in energ
y subtraction mode (dichromography) with synchrotron radiation are dev
eloped. Two of the systems-the system NIKOS in the Hamburger Synchrotr
onstrahlungslabor HASYLAB in Hamburg and the system in Brookhaven-allo
w investigations of patients. The aim of the work is to visualize coro
nary arteries down to 1 mm diameter with an iodine mass density of 1 m
g/cm(2), thus allowing non-invasive investigations by intravenous appl
ication of the contrast medium. The two images for subtraction are sim
ultaneously taken with photon energies just below and above the iodine
K-edge (33.17 keV) in a line scan mode. In principle the system NIKOS
consists of six main parts: A 20-pole wiggler with a total length of
2.4 m and a field of 1.26 T is installed in the storage ring DORIS at
DESY in Hamburg. In a two beam monochromator two bent perfect Si(111)
crystals in Laue geometry are used for filtering the quasi-monochromat
ic beams with a bandwidth of 180 eV our of the white synchrotron radia
tion beam. In a safety system three independent very fast beam shutter
s are installed which close within less than 10 ms at any malfunction
of the system. Because the line scan mode is used a scanning device mo
ves the patient with up to 50 cm/s through the two monochromatic beams
. As a detector a two-line ionization chamber with a spatial resolutio
n of 0.4 mm is installed. The chamber has a dynamic range of 39,000:1
and reads a line within 0.73 ms. The quantum efficiency for 33 keV pho
tons is 85%. The computer system is used for control of the system, da
ta acquisition, image processing and presentation. Since 1990 thirty p
atients were studied with the system NIKOS. In all cases follow-up inv
estigations after interventions like bypass surgery, angioplasty or ro
tablation were performed. Intravenous angiograms from investigations w
ith version III of the system are presented.