The manufacture of cheese from recombined milk is now a well establish
ed technology and recipes for making a wide variety of cheese from suc
h milk are found in literature. Fresh cheeses can readily be manufactu
red from recombined milk, but it is more difficult to produce hard and
semihard cheeses and those requiring specific functional properties.
Selection of powder and optimal homogenisation are the two most critic
al factors influencing the cheese quality. Lately, the emergence of UF
retentate/precheese powder has enabled manufacture of cheese from hig
h solids recombined milk with little or no whey drainage. The cheese v
arieties most suited to this technology are Domiati, feta and cottage.
The technology offers an economic system for the manufacture of chees
e, especially in those parts of the world where no cheese industry exi
sts. It may aid in alleviating the shortage of protein foods in develo
ping countries.