Precise regulation of major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-I
I) gene expression plays a crucial role in the control of the immune r
esponse. A major breakthrough in the elucidation of the molecular mech
anisms involved in MHC-II regulation has recently come from the study
of patients that suffer from a primary immunodeficiency resulting from
regulatory defects in MHC-II expression. A genetic complementation cl
oning approach has led to the isolation of CIITA and RFX5, two essenti
al MHC-II gene transactivators. CIITA and RFX5 are mutated in these pa
tients, and the wild-type genes are capable of correcting their defect
in MHC-II expression. The identification of these regulatory factors
has furthered our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regul
ate MHC-II genes. CIITA was found to be a non-DNA binding transactivat
or that functions as a molecular switch controlling both constitutive
and inducible MHC-II expression. The finding that RFX5 is a subunit of
the nuclear RFX-complex has confirmed that a deficiency in the bindin
g of this complex is indeed the molecular basis for MHC-II deficiency
in the majority of patients. Furthermore, the study of RFX has demonst
rated that MHC-II promoter activity is dependent on the binding of hig
her-order complexes that are formed by highly specific cooperative bin
ding interactions between certain MHC-II promoter-binding proteins. Tw
o of these proteins belong to families of which the other members, alt
hough capable of binding to the same DNA motifs, are probably not dire
ctly involved in the control of MHC-II expression. Finally, the facts
that CIITA and RFX5 are both essential and highly specific for MHC-II
genes make possible novel strategies designed to achieve immunomodulat
ion via transcriptional intervention.