Since the choice of a particular loss function strongly influences the
resulting inference, it seems necessary to rely on ''intrinsic'' loss
es when no information is available about the utility function of the
decision-maker, rather than to call for classical losses like the squa
red error loss. Since this setting is quite similar to the derivation
of noninformative priors in Bayesian analysis, we first recall the con
ditions of this derivation and deduce from these conditions some requi
rements on the intrinsic losses. It then appears that these loss funct
ions should only depend on the sampling distribution and that they sho
uld be independent of the parameterization of the distribution. The re
sulting estimators are therefore transformation equivariant. We study
the properties of two natural intrinsic losses, namely entropy and Hel
linger losses, and show that they can be expressed in closed form for
exponential families. Moreover, the entropy loss also provides analyti
c expressions of Bayes estimators under conjugate priors; the derivati
on of Bayes estimators associated with the Hellinger loss is more cumb
ersome, as shown in Poisson and Gamma cases, while leading to similar