A conserved sequence element situated between the decamer and TATA box
in V kappa II and V kappa V promoters has a high homology to the bind
ing site for early B cell factor (EBF). The kappa promoter element was
shown to bind EBF specifically using both in vitro-translated protein
and nuclear extract. Concomitant binding of EBF and Oct proteins to a
wild-type kappa promoter template was observed at low efficiency, and
such dual occupancy was dependent on an intact amino terminus of the
Oct protein. When the two binding sites were separated by a 10-bp spac
er, this dependency disappeared. A single kappa promoter EBF site toge
ther with a TATA box and an Ig heavy chain enhancer showed marginal tr
anscriptional stimulatory activity. In contrast, the EBF site acted sy
nergistically with a decamer element in EBF-negative plasmacytoma cell
s, but not in B cells of an earlier differentiation stage. In these ce
lls, a distinct protein was observed that interacted with the EBF bind
ing motif, while overexpression of EBF downregulated the expression of
a reporter construct containing Ig control elements.