Background. A two dose measles vaccination schedule is recommended rou
tinely for all school-entry-aged children. We evaluated this recommend
ation by determining both measles antibody seroprevalence and the resp
onse to revaccination in seronegative children in this age group. Meth
ods. Children 4 to 6 years of age who had received a single dose of me
asles vaccine between the ages of 15 to 17 months were tested for meas
les antibody by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) mic
roneutralization technique. Seronegative children were revaccinated an
d again tested for measles antibody (immunoglobulin M [IgM] and neutra
lizing). Results. Of 679 children tested, 37 (5.4%) were seronegative.
Seronegativity was not significantly associated with age, sex, race,
age at initial vaccination, time since vaccination, or maternal year o
f birth. However, children of mothers with a college degree were 12 ti
mes more likely to be seronegative than children of mothers whenever a
ttended college (P < .01). Of the 37 seronegative children, 36 serocon
verted after revaccination-33 producing IgM measles antibody, suggesti
ve of a primary immune response. The cost per seroconversion would hav
e been an estimated $415 if all 679 children had been revaccinated. Co
nclusions. Revaccination reduces the pool of children who are suscepti
ble to measles. Although the cost per seroconversion is high, a two-do
se schedule should reduce the substantial costs of controlling measles
outbreaks by reducing the number of outbreaks.