Identification of a gene acting in the floral stimulus pathway should
provide a basis for determining the identity of this elusive substance
. Our tests indicate the Gi (gigas) gene in pea (Pisum sativum L.) act
s in this manner. The gigas mutant was selected by Dr M. Vassileva fol
lowing gamma radiation of the late flowering, quantitative long day cu
ltivar Virtus. The gigas trait showed single gene recessive inheritanc
e and the mutant allele was symbolised gi consistent with our prelimin
ary report. Gigas plants were later flowering than the initial line in
all conditions tested and they showed an enhanced response to photope
riod and vernalisation. Unvernalised gigas plants did not flower under
a 24-h photoperiod comprising 8 h of daylight and 16 h of weak (3 mu
mol m(-2) s(-1)) incandescent light and they took on a phenotype simil
ar to the veg1 (vegetative) mutant in pea. However, genetic tests show
ed the two mutants were not allelic. Three or four weeks vernalisation
at 4 degrees C resulted in 100% flowering of gigas plants under the 2
4-h photoperiod. Applied gibberellin A(3) inhibited flowering in gigas
plants given partial cold induction. Grafting studies showed the prom
otive effect of vernalisation occurred in the shoot. Grafting studies
were also used to examine the physiological basis of delayed flowering
in the gigas mutant. These studies indicated that gigas plants produc
ed normal levels of flower inhibitor and they responded in a normal ma
nner to the floral stimulus. Reciprocal grafts were made between the g
igas mutant and the wild-type initial line. Under the 24-h photoperiod
, either a wild-type root-stock with cotyledons or a wild-type shoot i
nduced flowering in a gigas graft partner. However, under a 9-h photop
eriod, flowering was only induced if the wild-type partner possessed b
oth roots and a shoot. We conclude that gigas plants are deficient in
the floral stimulus or a precursor which can be supplied across a graf
t union by a wild-type donor. Of the 12 major flowering genes known in
pea, Gi is the first found to act on the synthesis pathway for the fl
oral stimulus.