A 58-year-old man with chronic paranoid-hallucinatoric psychosis had t
ransient episodes with marked paranoid delusions, auditory hallucinati
ons without confusion, shakiness of both upper extremities, tachycardi
a and sweating, EMG performed with surface electrodes revealed many si
lent periods in postural active muscles with maximum duration of 120 m
s; blood glucose was 65-75 mg/dl. At other times, blood glucose was 13
5-140 mg/dl, EMG revealed few silent periods in postural active muscle
s with maximal duration of 50 ms and the patient noted some vibration
in his outstretched hands only, Drug-induced asterixis (clozapine, ben
peridol) amplified by relative hypoglycemia was therefore assumed, and
symptoms disappeared after oral antidiabetics were reduced.