Certain dynamic stability characteristics of an alternate method of mo
unting a front-end loader to a farm tractor were compared to those of
a conventionally mounted front-end loader operating on a specified ter
rain. One objective of the study was to determine if the alternate met
hod of mounting a front-end loader resulted in better stability charac
teristics and, in turn, safer operation than a conventional front-end
loader. Another objective was to determine ifa three-dimensional sonic
digitizer could monitor the motion of the scale model tractor-loader
systems accurately enough to perform comparison between the systems. T
his article describes the second objective of the study. A battery-pow
ered, 114 scale model tractor-loader was used to perform experimental
tests. Both tractor-loader systems were operated on two slopes and on
random combinations of two sinusoidal bump heights, two load weights,
two loader heights, and two velocities. Three replications were perfor
med of each test condition. A three-dimensional sonic digitizer was ut
ilized to monitor the motion of the scale model tractor-loader systems
. The sonic digitizing system made it possible to record position of t
he tractor-loader systems versus time at levels of frequency and accur
acy faster than any previous methods of obtaining this type of data. T
his greater number of observations allowed systems to be statistically
compared, which was not possible with previous data collection system
s. The digitizing system was able to locate each sound emitter accurat
ely. Elapsed time between emitter firing sequences may have resulted i
n the measured roll and front axle rotation angles to be less than act
ual peaks.