Fully coupled numerical techniques are used to compute steady-state so
lutions to a combusting, low-Mach-number compressible flow through a c
hannel. The nonlinear governing equations are discretized on a stagger
ed mesh via integration over discrete finite volumes. The resulting no
nlinear algebraic equations are linearized with Newton's method and so
lved with a preconditioned Krylov algorithm. The selected Krylov solve
r is the generalized minimum residual algorithm. A matrix-free Newton-
Krylov method and a modified Newton-Krylov method are employed as a me
ans of reducing the required number of expensive Jacobian evaluations.
The matrix-free implementation is shown to be superior to the modifie
d Newton-Krylov method when starting from a poor initial guess. The te
chnique of mesh sequencing is shown to provide significant CPU savings
for fine grid calculations. Additionally, the domain-based multiplica
tive Schwarz preconditioning strategy was found to be more effective t
han incomplete lower-upper factorization type preconditioning at lower
Mach numbers.