Realistic-looking architectural models with furniture may consist of m
illions of polygons and require gigabytes of data--far more than today
's workstations can render at interactive frame rates or store in phys
ical memory. We have developed data structures and algorithms for iden
tifying a small portion of a large model to load into memory and rende
r during each frame of an interactive walkthrough. Our algorithms rely
upon an efficient display database that represents a building model a
s a set of objects, each of which can be described at multiple levels
of detail, and contains an index of spatial cells with precomputed cel
l-to-cell and cell-to-object visibility information. As the observer m
oves through the model interactively, a real-time visibility algorithm
traces sightline beams through transparent cell boundaries to determi
ne a small set of objects potentially visible to the observer. An opti
mization algorithm dynamically selects a level of detail and rendering
algorithm with which to display each potentially visible object to me
et a user-specified target frame time. Throughout, memory management a
lgorithms predict observer motion and prefetch objects from disk that
may become visible during imminent frames. This paper describes an int
eractive building walkthrough system that uses these data structures a
nd algorithms to maintain interactive frame rates during visualization
of very large models. So far, the implementation supports models whos
e major occluding surfaces are axis-aligned rectangles (e.g., typical
buildings). This system is able to maintain over twenty frames per sec
ond with little noticeable detail elision during interactive walkthrou
ghs of a building model containing over one million polygons.