Sorbitol and sodium chloride were used to modify the in-package relati
ve humidity (IPRH) of fresh mushrooms (water irrigated and CaCl2 irrig
ated) stored in a modified atmosphere package (MAP) at 12 degrees C. N
o differences were observed for maturity index and microbial populatio
n between mushrooms stored in modified atmosphere package (MAP) with o
r without moisture absorbers. Lower IPRH was observed in packages cont
aining water irrigated (normally grown) mushrooms with sodium chloride
, but resulted in over-drying of mushrooms and did not improve color.
Normally grown mushrooms with 10 and 15g sorbitol had the best color.
IPRH of 87-90%, within 9 days storage was considered optimum. No impro
vements in quality were found with moisture absorbers with normally gr
own mushrooms. However, a small amount of sorbitol helped to avoid con
densation with CaCl2 irrigated mushrooms.