A case-control designed was used to investigate associations and inter
actions between muscle activity measured by surface electromyography (
EMG) in the upper trapezius muscle and subjectively reported risk fact
ors in workers with and without shoulder and neck pain. EMG data were
collected both in the workplace (indicating vocational muscle activity
) and in a laboratory setting (indicating non-specific muscle activity
). Women in manual (15 pairs) and office (24 pairs) work were included
, The pairs were matched on age, gender and on current and historical
work load, such as working hours, type and length of employment. Previ
ous reports of this study have indicated that shoulder and neck myalgi
a was associated with increased muscle activity for the manual workers
, and with psychological and psychosocial factors for the office worke
rs. These risk factors were in the present report used as the basis fo
r studying associations and interactions between muscle activity (1),
psychological and psychosocial factors (2), and shoulder and neck pain
(3). Subjectively reported or perceived general tension, a stress sym
ptom presumed related to psychosocial and psychological factors, was p
reviously found to be the strongest and only variable separating cases
and controls in both work groups. In this paper, no relationship was
found between perceived general tension and EMG variables for the offi
ce workers. For the manual workers a strong interaction was found; per
ceived general tension correlated positively with EMG variables for th
e controls, and negatively with EMG variables for the cases. It is hyp
othesised that the feeling of general tension represents a physiologic
al activation response that may or may not include muscle fibre activa
tion. This implies that pain provoked by psychosocial stress factors m
ay not be mediated through increased muscle activity.