Rm. Marrades et al., CELLULAR BIOENERGETICS AFTER ERYTHROPOIETIN THERAPY IN CHRONIC-RENAL-FAILURE, The Journal of clinical investigation, 97(9), 1996, pp. 2101-2110
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Medicine, Research & Experimental
ISSN journal
Year of publication
2101 - 2110
SICI code
After erythropoietin (rHuEPO) therapy, patients with chronic renal fai lure (CRF) do not improve peak O-2 uptake (VO2, peak) as much as expec ted from the rise in hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]). In a companion s tudy, we explain this phenomenon by the concurrent effects of fall in muscle blood flow after rHuEPO and abnormal capillary O-2 conductance observed in CRF patients, The latter is likely associated with a poor muscle microcirculatory network and capillary-myofiber dissociation du e to uremic myopathy. Herein, cellular bioenergetics and its relations hips with muscle O-2 transport, before and after rHuEPO therapy, were. examined in eight CRF patients (27+/-7.3 [SD] yr) studied pre- and po st-rHuEPO ([Hb] = 7.8+/-0.7 vs, 11.7+/-0.7 g x dl-l) during an increme ntal cycling exercise protocol. Eight healthy sedentary subjects (26+/ -3.1 yr) served as controls, We hypothesize that uremic myopathy provo kes a cytosolic dysfunction but mitochondrial oxidative capacity is no t abnormal. P-31-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra (P-31-MRS) from th e vastus medialis were obtained throughout the exercise protocol consi sting of periods of 2 min exercise (at 1.67 Hz) at increasing workload s interspersed by resting periods of 2.5 min. On a different day, afte r an identical exercise protocol, arterial and femoral venous blood ga s data were obtained together with simultaneous measurements of femora l venous blood flow (Qleg) to calculate O-2 delivery (QO(2)leg) and O- 2 uptake (VO(2)leg). Baseline resting [phosphocreatine] to [inorganic phosphate] ratio ([PCr]/[Pi]) did not change after rHuEPO (8.9+/-1.2 v s, 8.8+/-1.2, respectively), but it was significantly lower than in co ntrols (10.9+/-1.5) (P = 0.01 each). At a given submaximal or peak VO, leg, no effects of rHuEPO were seen on cellular bioenergetics ([PCr]/[ Pi] ratio, %[PCr] consumption, halftime of [PCr] recovery after exerci se), nor in intracellular pH (pHi). The post-rHuEPO bioenergetic statu s and pi-Ii, at a given VO(2)leg, were below those observed in the con trol group. However, at a given pHi, no differences in P-31-MRS data w ere detected between post-rHuEPO and controls, After rHuEPO, at peak V O2, Qleg fell 20% (P < 0.04), limiting the change in QO(2)leg to +17%, a value that did not reach statistical significance, The correspondin g O-2 extraction ratio decreased from 73+/-4% to 68+/-8.2% (P < 0.03). These changes indicate that maximal O-2 flow from microcirculation to mitochondria did not increase despite the 50% increase in [Hb] and ex plain how peak VO(2)leg and cellular bioenergetics (P-31-MRS) did not change after rHuEPO. Differences in pHi, possibly due to lactate diffe rences, between post-rHuEPO and controls appear to be a key factor in the abnormal muscle cell bioenergetics during exercise observed in CRF patients.