World Watch is a nifty little software package for Windows which displ
ays world and regional maps showing cities and the local time for vari
ous locations selected by the user. In addition, a dynamic illuminated
pattern in the centre of the map shows those areas of the world curre
ntly experiencing daylight. The pattern highlights the progress of sea
sons, displays sunrise and sunset as they happen and automatically adj
usts to summer of daylight saving time. World Watch also doubles as a
very nice screen saver which utilises all the functions of the program
. The package contains a 3.5 '' disk and user manual (pretty good), an
d installing the program is simplicity itself - simply insert the disk
ette and follow instructions, and in an instant the program is ready f
or use and/or customisation. There is the possibility to use small fon
ts (as opposed to the Windows system fonts), though these fonts are no
t mentioned in the manual. Besides how to operate and customise World
Watch, the user manual also provides some technical information on how
the program words, a glossary of terms, and the coordinates and time
relative to GMT of the cities included in the package.