We present a theoretical investigation of electron magnetotransport ch
aracteristics of a window-coupled quantum wire system which is treated
as a four-terminal device. Different shapes and sizes of the coupling
region are studied and various four-terminal Buttiker resistances are
computed as a function of an external magnetic field. Our results are
consistent with those of the experimental measurements of Hirayama, T
okura, Wieck, Koch, Haug, von Klitzing, and Ploog [Phys. Rev. B 48, 79
91 (1993)] on similar device structures. In particular we have observe
d the fine interference pattern in the magnetoresistance and negative
values of certain four-terminal resistance at low-magnetic-field stren
gth. These features are found to be sensitive to the incoming electron
energy. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.